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Aims and goals February 2021

Here we are already, 1st February and time for another aims and goals post. I don’t know about anyone else but January flew by whilst also feeling like the longest month ever.

Overall I don’t think I actually achieved anything, so now I really need to get myself organised and start pushing forward with the year. Thanks to Covid, nothing is going to be going back to normal anytime soon, so we are just going to make the best of the situation we have.

This month there is no recap on the previous months as I did not set any month goals in January, just ones for the year.

Goals for February 2021

Personal goals –

  1. Eat better – The last 2 months have been just junk and convenience food. I need to get back into better habits.
  2. Switch off more – I find I am struggling to switch off at the minute, it is not helping me sleep or eat properly.
  3. Give myself a break – Homeschooling and working full time at the minute is hard work, I need to cut myself a little more slack, it’s not going to be perfect. We just need to make it the best we can.

Blog goals –

  1. Work on SEO every day – Each day I want to work on the SEO of an old blog post. Slowly building each blog post up will hopefully bring a bit more traffic.
  2. Learn about Pinterest – I love Pinterest for my own inspiration but I need to learn more on bringing traffic to my blog.
  3. Start getting ahead of my schedule – Last year I got ahead of myself by a month, now I am working on the day on posts! The plan is to get a month ahead again, I need to start focusing on seperating work and family time. It has been tough but this home business tips post has some good starting points.

This month is 4 perfect weeks, so it will be easier to track how we are going this month. I don’t expect every week to be perfect, however, if I can make little steps every day to reach my goals I am hoping I will finish February in a good place.

Do you set any aims and goals? I would love to hear more of your plans, you can view my previous posts on what I wanted to achieve here.

Aims and goals February 2021

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