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Coffee Breaks for Mums – Benefits

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If anyone deserves the chance to have a little bit of a sit down and relax, it’s all the mums out there!

Of course, we live in an age where the roles of mums and dads tend to be very different to how they were around 50 years ago, and that’s a good thing, but most mums find themselves busy whether with work and career or with their little ones, raising them to be excellent little humans.

In this guide, we’re exploring the benefits of coffee breaks for mum, and why coffee beans, a grinder, and a brewing method could be the perfect gift for all the mothers out there.

Taking a coffee break is ideal if your little one is being looked after elsewhere or if they have nodded off to sleep. Let’s look at the benefits.


The life of a mother can certainly be a stressful one. Sometimes, just having the option to switch off for 10-15 minutes and have a coffee makes all the difference, and in the age of mindfulness, many mums are being encouraged to enjoy a “mindful coffee”.

Mindfulness is about being in the moment, and this can be a way to take some of the stresses and pressures away and focus on being present and aware. You can read more about mindfulness here.

It can be as simple as noticing the sounds and sensations of grinding coffee beans, brewing the coffee, and then enjoying every warm sip.

A Chance to Socialize

Coffee is a social activity for a lot of people. Culturally, this goes back decades, and people have always enjoyed getting together to drink coffee.

The world of a mother can be incredibly demanding, and finding time out to socialize with your friends can be difficult. Meeting for coffee can be an ideal opportunity to do this.

Mothers can get together with their children for “playdates” and enjoy a cup of coffee with other young parents. This is a fantastic way to have a vibrant social life even when there are children on the scene, and it has become harder to go to bars and do the same things you may have enjoyed before having kids.

Coffee Breaks for Mums – Benefits

A Much-Needed Boost

Although there is sometimes a lot of bad press about caffeine, with people worrying that they are consuming too much. Actually, science points to caffeine having a lot of benefits.

If you need that little extra boost to ensure that you’ve got the energy for the next couple of hours of childcare, there’s a chance to have some coffee while the baby is sleeping and prepare for round two, as you know it will be demanding.

Of course, caffeine is certainly not a replacement for a good night of sleep, but it is still a wonderful way to give yourself a little boost and feel more attentive and alert while you’re looking after the little on.

A Chance For Other Hobbies

As we’ve already said, mums deserve a break. No parent can be expected to devote their whole life to childcare. In the long run, looking after your own mental health will also be beneficial to your child.

So, when you’ve ground the coffee beans and poured yourself a cup, your break can start.

It’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy some other hobbies, and even if you don’t have loads of time, things like journaling and even adult coloring can be therapeutic. They’re an opportunity to do more to enjoy your life and take some time for yourself. Children don’t prevent you from having hobbies.

Coffee Breaks for Mums – Benefits

Coffee Can Provide Your Body With Protection

Though we all need to be cautious when it comes to exactly how much coffee you drink (it is possible to have too much).

As long as you are sensible, then there are actually loads of benefits to your physical health as well. Coffee is a powerful source of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals.

Studies have even shown that that coffee can give you a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, with a risk reduction shown in many studies, from 32–60%.

The drink is also linked in other studies with improving your liver health and even reducing your chances of developing cancer. A lot of studies are in their infancy and as time goes on it is inevitable that we will learn more about coffee, but many of the signs are that it is a helpful substance to consume.

Conclusion – Coffee Breaks for Mums and Young Parents

It’s not hard to see why so many people value their coffee breaks. That little boost of caffeine can make an incredible difference to your outlook, and help people to feel more wide awake for the rest of the day of childcare.

Looking after kids is incredibly rewarding, but also challenging, and a chance to take ten minutes here and there to enjoy yourself with a hot cup of coffee can make all the difference.