Welcome back to this week’s meal plan and our first of March! This year is flying by already and it just feels as though I am always thinking of which meals to cook next without actually getting time to think about the following week.
It has been a little hit and miss on the meal plan lately and I need to just get a little more organised. I am hoping that as the brighter mornings and lighter evenings come round that I will not be quite so tired in the evenings and actually feel like I have some energy to be cooking.
The spiced lamb dish and pancakes went well in our house as expected but I still need to get a little bit more of a variety back into our meal plans.
I’ve decided this week I am going for easy food to get us through the week, a combination of food we love and quick meals to cook from the freezer. I’m hoping that in the next few weeks we can use up the leftovers that we have in the freezer and then over the Easter break we may be able to take a trip to Costco to do a little top up on all those bits we might need plus stock up on some supplies for the freezer, their fresh pork chops are amazing and easily feed the family with simple cooking.
For now, though, let’s get back to this week’s meal plan.
Our weekly meal plan – 08/03/22
Monday –
Freezer food – This is my favourite on a Monday as I don’t really need to think too much about the food we are having and being prepared!
Tuesday –
Pork chops and mustard mash – Time to use up the pork chops that have been on the menu for the last few weeks. These will be simply cooked with a spice mix rub and popped into the George Foreman grill till cooked through and served with mash.
Wednesday –
Spanish chicken and rice – Still have the jar of sauce in our cupboard to use up…
Thursday –
Fry up – I have bacon, mushrooms, eggs, sausages and tomatoes – perfect fry up mix!
Friday –
Battered fish and chips – Freezer food again but these look great.
Saturday –
Takeaway – It is Daddy Vs Work’s birthday today so he gets to pick as per the house rules.
Sunday –
Roast – Something simple like a roast chicken to make it easy and then we can use the leftover chicken for lunch the next day (not that there is ever any leftover!)
It is a pretty simple meal plan this week but one that will make life a little easier for us. I am hoping that it is an event free week and then once this one is out of the way, we will only have 3 more until the Easter holidays! I am also going to try and look for a few new slow cooker meals to try out in the coming weeks, simple ones that mean when I get home there is minimal cooking to do. Hopefully, it will be enough to stop us from reaching for the takeaways those evenings.
What is your family’s go-to meal when you can’t really be bothered to cook? I’d love for you to leave your suggestions below for us to try.
If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.