Our weekly meal plan – 5th September 2022

It is time, not only for another weekly meal plan but for us to start the back-to-school/work routine. Not sure about anyone else but it feels like the last 6 weeks have whizzed by and before we know it the routine continues. With life passing by so quick, the kids are moving into years 8 and 9 already, before we know it they will be leaving school and heading to college/work!

Anyway, let’s get back to our weekly meal plan.

The last week has been a bit all over the place with meals, not so much in terms of eating takeaways but more of just using up bits of whatever we may have in the freezer or cupboards. It has been working out quite well and we have started to use up bits and pieces that we may not have used originally. This week as we are back to our new routine, I fully expect there to be tiredness so am planning an easy week of dinners to make it not only quick, and easy but also delicious.

Our weekly meal plan - 5th September 2022

So, let’s get back to the meal plan.

Our weekly meal plan – 05/09/22

Monday –

Tuna pasta bake – This is the kid’s favourite and one of mine too as it only takes a little while to prepare. I also know that the kids will clear their plates too so that is also a great bonus.

Tuesday –

Jacket potatoes, beans and cheese – Again, another easy dinner for a quick win after work.

Wednesday –

Chicken kievs and chips – Freezer food for a quick turnaround after work tonight.

Thursday –

Sausage and mash – I can not remember the last time we had sausage and mash, so I am looking forward to this tonight.

Friday –

Chicken wraps – Depending on what we are feeling, it may be peri peri or fajitas.

Saturday –

Cottage pies – The plan will be to make a few extra cottage pies to save up for later in the month, they are great to just pop in the freezer and cook on another night.

Sunday –

Slow cooker stew – I am going to be working on a few new recipes and looking forward to trying out a new stew recipe.

Our weekly meal plan - 5th September 2022

I am going to try and use our slow cooker a lot more with the costs going up for utilities, it is also a great way to make my life a little easier with us getting home and dinner being ready! We do not use our slow cooker enough when it could become something to make life a lot easier for me.

Do you use your slow cooker? I’d love to hear what your favourite recipes are and what works best for you in your slow cooker. There have been a few times that I have tried to make dishes in there and they have dried out or burned which I think comes down to the sugar content in the ingredients that I have used. Ideally, I would like to get some dishes in the meal plan that the whole family will enjoy.

Alongside the slow cooker, I plan to try and get some batched-cooked meals prepared and in the freezer ready for later in the month. Not only will this make our life a little easier later in the month but it will also ensure that there is minimal wastage.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 5th September 2022

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