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Our weekly meal plan – 7th November 2022

It is time again already for another weekly meal plan, brought to you on this cold damp November morning!

The weather has really taken a turn lately and you can notice the chill in the air a little more, which is great for me as it screams comfort food to me which is my favourite time of the year. It means you can indulge in stews and casseroles, with mash too, yummy!

Last week’s meal plan was not too bad, we did have a few switch-arounds and a takeaway, which is not ideal but we made the most of the bits we had in the house too. After the weekly shop this week, we have to stay on track as it is just so expensive now when shopping. It might not have gone up much on each item but it soon adds up when you add the whole shop together.

This week’s meal plan is mainly favourites, with some bulk cooking thrown in too. I am not sure how the new recipes will go down this week, but we are going to give them a try and see what happens!

Our weekly meal plan - 7th November 2022

Anyway, let’s see what we have cooking this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 07/11/22

Monday –

Chicken and chorizo ragu on jacket potato – I never made this last week so it is back on the menu to give it a try out this week, I will let you know how this goes.

Tuesday –

Burgers and wedges – This is simple cooking for Monday! The kids have chicken burgers and we have beef burgers, though I am sure they will be asking for mozzarella sticks with this!

Wednesday –

Slow cooker sausage casserole – This is another new recipe I am trying out. I won’t like it, I tend to avoid sausages in the slow cooker as they always go wrinkly on the skin, but I will go into this one with an open mind.

Thursday –

Tuna pasta bake – This one is to keep the kids happy and on side!

Friday –

Chilli con Carne – It is time to make a big batch of this, I love packing this out with veggies and beans to make it go further.

Saturday –

Pizza and garlic bread – A lazy dinner but one we can pick up at the shopping and enjoy that day so it doesn’t take up the whole fridge.

Sunday –

Roast – It is time for a full-blown roast with all the trimmings.

Our weekly meal plan - 7th November 2022

The week is pretty straightforward for meals, simply to make sure we stay on track. I always find it harder to stick to the planner when we have loads of new meals to make. After a busy day at work, when I get in, I just want to quickly cook dinner and enjoy it. Sometimes if you over plan it puts extra pressure on you to make it.

I haven’t really used my slow cooker as much as I had planned either, so looking to change that going forward this week where I can. Another thing on my list is to look at pasta bake ideas. We always have tuna pasta bake but there must be other dishes that get the kids eating pasta, even if the rising costs it is still one of the cheaper options for meals. What is your go-to budget meal?

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 7th November 2022

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