Our weekly meal plan – 22nd May 2023

It has been a while but we are back for another meal plan.

Time is just not on my side lately,  most of the time I have been chasing my tail. Then it means that corners are cut and takeaways or convenience food are on the menu, which is not good for our budget or our waistlines! We only have a week left of the term to go and although we know that the last term of the year is always chaos, we need to get back on track with the meal planning.

This week we are going to be using up some of the bits we have the in freezer. Some are healthier than others but our freezer is full of different bits and pieces that we need to use up before we can get back on track properly with meal planning.

Lunch times are always a bit of an issue, I just get a little bored of the options of salad and sandwiches. So I need to start thinking of a few different options, if possible maybe making some extras from dinner to keep for the next day.

Going forward as the weather warms up, I think I’ll be switching to more things such as jacket potatoes or chicken and new potatoes for dinner. Not only for ease but also to keep the kitchen a little cooler in the warmer months.

Our weekly meal plan - 22nd May 2023

Anyway, let’s get back on the meal plan for this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 22/05/23

Monday –

Creamy pasta – This is an adaptation of the Hello Fresh dish from a few weeks ago. It is perfect for the summer weather and delicious too.

Tuesday –

Pizza – I am going to be using up the pizzas in the freezer. It is a quick dinner option when I have a late meeting at work.

Wednesday –

Tacos – Family favourite, simply because they can pick what they want on their tacos. I do a mixture of soft and crunchy tacos to make sure that everyone for!

Thursday –

Chilli con Carne – Again, this is a portion from the freezer to make life easier this week. I might turn it into burritos, I’ll see how I feel.

Friday –

Freezer food – Finishing the week on an easy meal choice, I will see what I have in the freezer and use up what I can.

Saturday –

Eating out – We are off to Wembley for the playoff final, so we will be eating down there and grabbing something on the way home no doubt.

Sunday –

Roast – If the weather is a little warm, I might switch this to something like bbq or jacket potatoes but I will see how the weather is towards the end of the week.

Our weekly meal plan - 22nd May 2023

By the end of the week, I should have made a huge dent in the bits we have in the freezer and cupboard and should make things a little easier moving forward. I’m hopeful that over the half-term break, I can get a little time to work through some of the menus that I have been pinning on Pinterest!

I want to have a bit of variety on our menu and maybe even introduce some foods from around the world that we might not have considered eating before. There is just that fine line between trying new dishes and saving money on our weekly shop, so we will have to work through some of the dishes that work best with what we have.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 22nd May 2023

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