The Busy Mum’s Guide to Glowing Skin

The Busy Mum’s Guide to Glowing Skin

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Ask any mum, and she’ll say that the idea of proper head-to-toe self-pampering is easier said than done. You try to juggle school drop-offs, work, and that never-ending to-do list, and by the time you’ve gotten through what you think is everything that needs to be done, treating yourself sometimes feels like it’s just out of reach. Can you relate? Well, we have some good news for you because the same goes for your skin, seriously. A few fast treatments and skincare tips, and you’ll help achieve that lit-from-within glow in no time.

So, how do busy mums get super clear, super glowy skin? Let’s delve into the wrinkle-relaxation-and-beauty-glow-inducing world of RF microneedling and other super-effective express skin treatments.

Revitalise Your Skin with RF Microneedling

RF microneedling is a simple procedure that practitioners do to take better care of patients and address their concerns in a meaningful way. It’s a great treatment for reviving the appearance and compliments the radiofrequency energy with microneedles to enhance collagen production and tone. If you are still unsure about treatment results, then all you have to do is look at RF microneedling before and after pictures.

Fancy a treatment you can just do? (Plus, a BBQ and a cartwheel for good measure). Not only does RF Microneedling target fine lines, acne scars, and uneven skin tone, but it’s a treatment that can be done on your lunch break, in between errands, or any time you have free time! It’s perfect for the busiest mums because it has no downtime and is non-invasive. How it works: with a micro-needling device, tiny needles create “micro-injuries” in the skin — essentially tricking your body into healing mode and producing collagen to address collagen punched out by the micropores.

Imagine having beautiful skin that gives you a radiant glow without interference from your busy life. This treatment can give you exactly that and more.

Pretty small girl with curly hair looks how mother does cosmetic procedures applies collagen patches under eyes for skin treatment wear bathrobes pose near desk with beauty products. Everyday care

Simple Skincare Tips for Busy Mums

If trying to find time for a beauty routine seems hopeless, do not worry. There are many ways that you can help improve your skin care in virtually no time:

  • Hydrate: Keep a water bottle with you and just drink. Staying hydrated will help your skin to stay elastic and keep the true glow you want. It will also help fight off fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Sunscreen: This part is non-negotiable. Put sunscreen on first thing in the morning so as not to forget it. By hiding your skin’s natural protection barrier every morning, you protect your skin from harmful UV rays (which ultimately will prevent the signs of early ageing), and your skin can feel fresh and glowing all day. What mum doesn’t want that?
  • Cleansing: Find a gentle cleanser. Cleansing is a necessary part of any routine but often the most timely step. It rids the face of debris and leaves skin feeling “new” and clean.
  • Moisturise: Find a good moisturiser that works for you and keep it in your routine to fight off dehydrated skin. No skin care is perfect without a hydrated face to keep you looking healthy and vibrant. Use your moisturiser to help you in that fight, too.
  • Nourish: Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. What you eat has such an impact on your skin’s health. Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins, antioxidants, and the all-important fats that make your skin flexible and radiant. The more you eat, the faster you’ll reverse the signs of stress and fatigue.
  • Exfoliate: Removing dead skin cells means a brighter, more even complexion. You only want a gentle exfoliator to remove just the top layer of skin and brighten it.

Maximise Your Results

While you need to practise and commit to any kind of skincare ritual, if you invest in it, you want the results to last as long as possible. This means that for at-home RF microneedling, you need to follow the directions your provider will give you for taking care of your skin afterwards to help your skin heal and produce more collagen. This will help you increase how long your results last in between sessions.

Balancing self-care with a busy schedule doesn’t come down to simply having enough time to spare or time to find. In all honesty, you’re never going to “find time,” but you can make it. RF microneedling has the ability to fit into your day and offer a solution to those treatments that can’t easily be planned or performed.

Embrace Your Radiance

At the end of the day, confidence is all about being happy with the skin you’re in and in who you are, even when you’re running around like a madwoman. With RF micro-needling being such an easy treatment paired with a skincare habit that takes no extra time, you’ll have all the glowing skin benefits to show for it.

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