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A beginner’s guide to blogging

A beginner’s guide to blogging

This is a collaborative post

Over recent years the blogging industry has grown and developed immensely. More and more people are creating a blog to run as a hobby and to share a snapshot of their lives. From lifestyle to travel and food to interiors, there are blogs for all types of interests that share informative content and inspire people reading them. For a large portion of the blogging community, their blog has become so successful that it requires all their attention, meaning it’s now a full-time job.

Being in a position where running your own blog is also your full-time job takes a lot of hard work and dedication and is something a lot of bloggers hope to accomplish. Whether it’s with the aim of becoming a full-time blogger or a place to document your hobbies and interests, creating a blog may seem like a difficult task, when in fact it’s not. If you like to read blogs in your spare time and quite like the idea of creating your own, then with the help from SEO and PPC agency Click Consult, I’d like to share some simple tips and useful information that will help you start your own blog.

Choosing a platform

The first process of creating a blog is choosing a platform to host it on. There are a number of platforms you can use but by far the most popular is WordPress. For anyone using WordPress for the first time, it may seem like a daunting platform, but once you’re used to it it’s easy to navigate around and you’ll find it pretty straightforward. If WordPress is completely alien to you and you don’t have any friends or family who have experience with the platform, then there are a number of useful resources online which offer step by step guides to help you get started.

A beginner’s guide to blogging

Sharing great content

Once your blog is set up and you’ve linked it with your chosen domain name, it’s now time to get sharing some of your content. Content is key when it comes to blogging. It’s what brings visitors to your site and leaves them wanting more. To begin with, it’s ideal to share as much content as possible but remember, quality over quantity. People want to read high-quality, interesting content and this is what’s going to build your audience. Once you’ve built up your number of blog posts, it’s worth looking out for guest posting opportunities on other blogs within your niche. This will help attract a new set of readers to your blog and help increase your blog’s domain authority.

Utilize your social channels

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are perfect for sharing your blog posts and building your blog following. Every time you create a new piece of content it’s worth sharing it on your social channels, along with a number of relevant hashtags. One of the best ways to have your profile and content seen on social is via hashtags as people use them to search for specific things they’re looking for. If you decided to create an Instagram page for your blog and want to build your following and engagement, then the social experts at Click Consult recommend using 13 hashtags per post.

Hopefully, I’ve been able to share a few simple steps to get you set on your blogging journey. You can find more advice and tips in the Click Consult #BloggerGuide, which can be found on their website.

A beginner’s guide to blogging

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