Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Aims and goals – December 2022

Here we are, into our last aims and goals post of the year.

It has been a bit of a rollercoaster year this year, with on one hand there feels like there has not been much on, and then, on the other hand, I have wondered how I have gotten through the days sometimes! There is so much that I am pleased we have achieved this year and lots that I wish I had maybe achieved, but I can’t go back and change how things worked out this year, just learn from it.

There has been so much that I have learned this year and some of that I will take into the new year, with a fresh approach to things, and use this to push on with achieving the long-term dream, of a home out in the countryside and early retirement!

We still have a month to get through for this year before that happens though, so let’s get back to the aims and goals for December and recap how November went.

Recap of November aims and goals

Personal goals –

  • Finish our Christmas shopping – We are pretty much done! I just need to check I have all the bits for Kayleigh and Ethan, however, I think this one is all complete!
  • Learn to switch off- Complete and utter failure, too tired to even go there on this one!
  • Sort our finances out! – We are on track with this and in a good position to push on into 2023 with a good start.

Blog goals –

  • Ensure the Christmas content goes out on time – Well it all got out in the end, so I am taking that as a win. However, I really should know after all these years how long the content takes to put together and I should be more organised!
  • Work on the schedule – Not even started this one.
  • Make more money – It was a steady month for money but I do need to look at the revenue streams for all the blogs for 2023 and try to streamline these for the best outcome for use.

Aims and goals for December 2022 –

Personal goals –

  • Take time out – I need to take time out for my own health this month. This year has been a hard year, there have been so many hours of work done above and beyond the normal 9-5, it is safe to say, I am close to physical and mental burnout.
  • Enjoy Christmas – The kids are getting bigger, and I know we have limited time to make the most of the Christmas memories before they start to make their own memories.
  • Take the kids out for a pre-Christmas meal – Just like a work night out  I’d love to do something with the kids before Christmas. We have a week off before the big day so there is plenty of time for some lunch out.

Blog goals –

  • Get through December – Sounds a little dramatic but I just want to get through to the end of December on the blog work front and then take the 2-week break to plan and get organised for the new year.
  • Prepare for 2023 – I would like to get ahead on the planning and schedules, for example, food ideas for the key dates in the year, etc. It would just be helpful if I actually got them down on paper and start to plan and organise content for them.
  • Plan method of attached for 2023 – Once I have my content organised for 2023, I need to start planning the method of approach for the year. I have found this year that there are too many avenues to build traffic, exposure, and money, trust me you can’t do them all. So I need to plan how next year is going to work and then work back to the best method for me around a full-time job!

It has been a funny year this year, it has been great in places and tough going in others but I don’t regret any of it. I just want to make the most of the last month that we have and make it the best it can be.

Aims and goals - December 2022