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Catching up on life – April 2022

Catching up on life – April 2022

It’s been a while since I wrote a post about our general life and not a review or a meal plan.

This blog was originally set up as a place to share our life and journey and then over time, it has evolved. However, I still want it to be a place to write down our thoughts on what is happening in life as I love to be able to come back and reflect at times.

Life recently has been busy for us, there is so much going but none of it is really anything interesting to blog about, it is just everyday life. Here are a few bits that have happened since our last post update in January.

Catching up on life - April 2022

Blogging –

The blogs are ticking along at the minute.

Daddy Vs Work has taken on some of the blogs as I just do not have enough time to write on them all and keep up with everything that is going on in my full-time job and keep life running also. It has taken a bit of a backseat in life at the minute as we have been ploughing through so many other bits but I am hoping to be back on it properly soon. I have big plans, I just need to put them into place and get on with them.

I love being able to blog and everything it brings but sometimes I feel like taking a break is the wrong thing to do as it always needs tweaking but sometimes a break helps you to get focused to go again.

The kids –

They are both great, just cracking on with school and life as always. I can never complain as they just get on with life and they are growing up so quick!

Kayleigh will be heading into year 9 soon and that is a scary thought, when did she get to that age? She also has had her braces on for almost a year now and they have made such a difference. I can’t believe how well they have worked and they did not need to remove any teeth in the end as they originally thought they would.

Ethan is thriving in high school, it is a huge change from what he is used to in junior school but he is getting on great. He has turned into a typical pre-teen though, getting him moving takes a little more pushing than it used to but that is just because he is not in a hurry!

Catching up on life - April 2022

Health –

I never really like sharing health on the blog too much, not because I am ashamed or anything like that but so many other people have a life far tougher than I do and I don’t want people to feel it is for attention. As it is my personal space though, I do want to document things that are going on so I can look back in a few months/years’ time and see how much things have changed.

Generally, health in our household is good, Covid did catch a few of us last month but we are fine and are all recovered.

My colitis on the other hand is a little out of control at times and is something I feel like I am struggling to control. Over the Easter break, I have had the worse flare-ups I have ever had and it is still not completely under control. When I get a bit more of an understanding of this and the battle I am facing, I will share it all in a separate post and hopefully, it will help someone else going through it. For now, though, we just keep battling on and getting through it.

Everything else –

There isn’t much going on here other than above!

We are ploughing on with things that need doing around the house and getting ready to move forward with potentially moving in the next few years. Other than that, it is just life as normal for now.

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