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Cherry Bakewell Tart

Cherry Bakewell Tart

Yesterday the sun was shining and for the first time in a long time I actually felt fit enough to be in the kitchen to attempt my bakewell tart as part of the Great Blogger Bake Off.

As with everything at the minute, it takes double the time to do. However it was worth it as the bakewell tart turned out ok in the end! My icing skills probably need a bit of work but in the end I was just pleased that it came out alright.

I followed the Mary Berry recipe from the BBC website but substituted the home made jam for cherry jam as it would have been too much for me to try and make.

The pastry was really simple to make and I used my Nutri Ninja with the food processer to make this, so easy to use and it was made in a matter on minutes.

Cherry Bakewell Cherry BakewellCherry Bakewell

Cherry Bakewell Cherry Bakewell

Now it looks ok and from what I’ve been told tasted good too (I don’t like nuts so haven’t tried it!). I just don’t think I’m going to win any prizes for my icing skills! If you are interested in any more of our recipes, why not take a look at our sweet recipe section on the blog.

Mummy Mishaps

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