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*Christmas prize draw* Family movie night bundle

*Christmas prize draw* Family movie night bundle

Good afternoon and welcome back to another giveaway. Almost the end but don’t worry, I have an amazing giveaway coming up tomorrow! Back to today’s competition though, we are giving away a family movie night bundle for you to enjoy over the festive break.

Today’s and tomorrow’s competition is not in collaboration with anyone and it is just our way of saying thank you for your support throughout the year.

Family movie night bundle

Our lucky winner will receive the following :

    • Spider-Man: Far From Home DVD
    • Marvel Studios Avengers: Endgame DVD
    • Treats to complete the movie night

Family movie night bundle

We have seen both of these films and we all enjoyed them so I am hoping this is a nice little treat for another family this Christmas.

For your chance to win this prize, all you need to do is follow the simple steps in the rafflecopter below. Don’t forget to pop by and see our other competitions that are running over here, there are some amazing Christmas giveaways running just like this one.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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