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Creating that perfect bedroom environment

When you have kids, the one tip you always pass on to expecting parents is to make the most of the sleep as it will never be the same again.

However as your little ones start to grow how do you go about making your bedroom space that place you can go and get your little bit of peace and relaxation? Your own little safe haven after a hectic day?

Hillarys have recently asked a number of bloggers to share their tips on what helps to make your room the perfect place for a good nights sleep and they have come up with some great tips.

Munchies and Munchkins Mummy vs Work Enchanted Pixie

These are just a few of my favourite (and mine of course!) however if you click the image below you will be able to see all 10 of the tips and advice over on Hillarys.

Zen Bedrooms- Creating the perfect bedroom environment - Hillarys
Bedroom Environments – Hillarys Bedroom Environments

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