Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

Dear Kayleigh…. Happy 5th Birthday!

Dear Kayleigh,

Today is your 5th birthday! How can you be that old already?!

I know every year I say I can remember finding out we were expecting you, but I can. I even remember going into labour and the pain that followed but it was all worth it.

The last year has been a pretty manic one with lots packed in.

It started with dealing with the aftermath of the accident but we got there and have gone on to have an amazing year.

We had your first trip on a plane and our first family holiday abroad not to mention the Butlins trip, Legoland and woodside farm.

Then there was the biggest change of all.

You started big school! Daddy and I have been so proud of you. Your learning and growing daily. Your confidence is growing and you have such a wide knowledge of things. From reading and writing to doing maths sums with me. Then yesterday morning you drew me a hexagon, just because you wanted to.

Socially your changing too, at school you’ve made lots of friends and talk about all the things you’ve got up to and you loved seeing all 15 of them at your party this weekend playing and chatting away.

Your mischievous as well, already in the first term we’ve had 4 bumps on the head, 1 of which was when you fell off the table with another little girl whilst balancing trying to practice your gymnastics in the playground!

Keep growing Kayleigh and learning, take in the world and just enjoy every minute, life passes too quick so don’t be in a hurry to grow up.

Happy birthday to our beautiful little girl.

Lots of love and kisses
Mummy & Daddy








