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Ensuring you are comfortable whilst working out

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Let’s face it, for many of us working out is going to hurt. In a good way, it will hurt as you work on getting fitter, your body does feel like you’ve done 10 rounds in a boxing fight. Then the day after you may have pain coming from muscles that you didn’t even know you had!

However, you can make yourself comfortable whilst you work out by ensuring you are wearing the right fitness gear for your body.

Firstly, you need to have a good sports bra. No matter what size chest you may have, ensuring you are well supported is hugely important, especially if you are going to be doing high cardio work. have a wide range of designs in a variety of sizes so you are sure to find the perfect one for you. Take your time doing your research as there are different ones for different work out intensities so you want to ensure you pick up the right ones.

Having good footwear is also very important. When I was running I popped to my local sports shop to have a digital picture of my foot taken, this then advised whether I needed to have shoes with a high arch insole or not. By doing this I was able to find the perfect shoes to help my feet feel comfortable whilst out running (as they could be anyway!). The last thing you want to do is get blisters and sore feet whilst you are working out!

Lastly, treat yourself to a nice work out outfit. This doesn’t have to cost you a small fortune, lots of shops including supermarkets now offer sportswear in their ranges.

To work out I always feel I have to build myself up to it, I’m not a sporty person at all! However, if you have some lovely fitness clothes that make you feel good, it gives you that little push to just try a little harder.

Once you have all the right gear to get started just jump straight in. Whenever I feel like I’ve had a bad workout or don’t feel like I’m achieving anything I always remind myself that I am still achieving more than those who have not even started!


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