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Holiday Vacation Preparation Tips for Moms

#Collaborative post

Oh, the holidays—the time of year when everyone is singing about “joy” and “peace,” but for moms, it can feel like we’re preparing for battle! Between packing, keeping the kids entertained, and making sure no one forgets their socks (yes, we’ll get to that!), holiday vacations can turn into logistical marathons. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some tips to make this whole process a little less “headless chicken” and a little more “calm and collected.”

So, grab a coffee—or whatever it is that’s keeping you going these days—and let’s dive in!

1. Start with a Packing List (Or What I Like to Call “The Scroll”)

First things first: the packing list. This is not just a list, people. This is your shield against chaos. It’s the only thing standing between you and the dreaded moment when you realize you forgot something crucial—like your child’s favorite stuffed animal (cue meltdown). I’m not saying I’ve had to make an emergency stop at a Walmart to buy a replacement bunny at midnight… but I’ve definitely had to do that.

Here’s the drill: start with the basics—clothes, toiletries, medications, and baby essentials if you’re still in the diaper-wrangling phase. Oh, and always pack an extra outfit. Trust me, the minute you don’t is the minute someone spills juice all over themselves. It’s like Murphy’s Law, but specifically designed to haunt moms.

Pro tip: If you think you don’t need to write down socks, you’re wrong. You’d be amazed how many times socks go MIA when you need them the most!

2. Speaking of Socks…

Okay, let’s talk socks. I know what you’re thinking: “Why is she making such a big deal about socks?” Well, let me tell you, socks are the unsung heroes of holiday travel. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can ruin a day faster than cold, wet feet. Imagine this: you’re walking through a snowy holiday market, sipping hot cocoa, feeling all festive—and suddenly, you step in a puddle. Cue soggy sock sadness.

Pack extra pairs. For everyone. Spills, rain, muddy park detours—whatever it is, socks are going to take the hit. Go for thermal ankle socks to make sure no one gets cold. Plus, if you’re flying, warm, cozy socks are a game-changer on those freezing cold planes. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

3. Entertainment: Keep Them Busy or Lose Your Sanity

Remember when we used to say, “Are we there yet?” on long road trips? Now it’s your kids’ turn, and they’re relentless. So, entertainment is key. I recommend loading up on movies, educational games, and podcasts. Side note: anyone else out there obsessed with podcasts? Whether it’s true crime (hello, “Serial” fans) or the latest kids’ stories to keep the little ones engaged, podcasts are great for drowning out the background noise of “I’m bored.”

And don’t forget the coloring books, travel-sized games, or a deck of cards. Just make sure you pack headphones so you don’t become that family with the noisy electronics on the plane. You know the one.

4. Snacks: Fuel for the Journey (And Your Sanity)

A hungry family is a grumpy family. I cannot stress this enough. No one wants to deal with a hangry five-year-old—or spouse—mid-trip. I once thought I could wing it, only to find myself trying to convince my kid that a bag of pretzels was as good as a home-cooked meal. Spoiler: it wasn’t.

Prep those snacks! Pre-cut fruits, granola bars, nuts—whatever travels well and keeps the peace. And yes, throw in a little candy for bribery when things start to get dicey. You’ve got to have some fun, right? Just keep it balanced, or you’ll be dealing with a sugar rush at 30,000 feet. Trust me, no one wants that.

5. Travel Docs: Don’t Be That Person

Ah, travel documents. If you’ve ever had the “Oh no, where’s my passport?!” heart attack, you’ll know how crucial this is. Keep everything—passports, boarding passes, ID cards—in one easy-to-reach place. I once thought I’d be clever and keep things “safe” in different pockets of my bag. Let’s just say I spent an embarrassing amount of time holding up the line at airport security. Never again.

Oh, and double-check those expiration dates! I don’t care how organized you are, finding out your passport expired last month is not how you want to start your holiday.

6. Be Ready for the Unexpected (Because It Will Happen)

Listen, no matter how much you prepare for family travels, something is going to go wrong. It’s just the law of the universe. One year, we showed up at our hotel, and—surprise!—no reservation. Good times. So, I always bring an emergency kit: band-aids, chargers, portable power banks, and a sewing kit (because of course a button will pop off when you least expect it).

That little kit has saved me more times than I can count. And hey, even if nothing goes wrong, it gives you peace of mind. And really, isn’t that what we’re all after?

7. Pack Light, But Not Too Light

I know, I know—everyone says to pack light, but I’m going to be real with you: sometimes, being overly minimalistic bites you in the butt. You don’t need to pack your entire closet but also don’t be afraid to throw in a few extra essentials. If you’re headed to a wintry wonderland, trust me, you’ll want that extra sweater.

Pro tip: Check if your hotel or Airbnb provides things like hairdryers or baby gear. That frees up space for the really important stuff, like snacks and socks.

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it—my take on surviving the holiday vacation prep madness. The holidays should be about making memories, not stressing over logistics. So, plan ahead, keep it light, and—most importantly—remember to enjoy the ride. After all, the best moments often come from the unexpected (but please, no more lost socks).

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