Home improvement projects during Lockdown

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2021 looks like it is going to go how 2020 ended, spending most of it stuck in a lockdown of some sort. With this in mind, lots of us are possibly looking for home improvement projects to work on this year.

As staying home is the new going out, why not make the most of the space you have?!

If you have been around the blog before, you may remember back in 2019 we had a pretty long project of converting our home from 2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms. At that point, I said I would never do a project like that again. Yet here I am, thinking of things I would like for us to achieve in our home this year.

Here is a list of the projects I would like to work on in our home:

  • Living room – I would like to completely change this from top to bottom. Replacing the carpet, wallpaper and sofa for starters. Because the room was one of the first ones decorated, it has been untouched for 8 years. The carpet and sofa have served us well, I just would like a fresh look in here. There are now some high-quality and affordable carpets on the market from companies like Designer Carpet on the market so I’m excited to give it a freshen up. However, this is a big project so I think it will be one of the last ones.
  • Outside lights – We fitted some outside lights a few years ago and I love them. However, they don’t cover our house number or the back of our garden which causes issues. Recently though we brought some additions, we just need to install them.
  • Touch up work around the house – In most rooms, there is some touch-up work to do. For example, the bath needs resealing as does the kitchen worktop. Over time we will work from room to room doing these.
  • New office desk – Currently I am working from a cheap Ikea desk in the living room. As there are no plans to move just yet, I would like a proper desk built back in to give me a bit more space to work from.
  • Our garden – I don’t even know where to start in here. It is going to be a mammoth task in the garden, one that will take a few years. As a result, we will start this probably in the summer and tackle it bit by bit.

Our house is not in a bad state at all, there are just lots of little bits that need doing. Over time, we will get there with it, time and money are all we need! If you are planning work in your home, it doesn’t need to be a complete overhaul. Changing things such as stair runners or soft furnishings can change a whole room.

However 2021 goes, we are going to make the most of it. What are your plans for 2021 home improvement projects?

Home improvement projects during Lockdown

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