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Is It Time To Say Goodbye To Your Car?

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Sometimes our cars represent something to us. The first time we had enough money to buy something expensive, getting over the anxiety of driving lessons – and for some, it is freedom. 

But no matter what you love about your old car, there comes a time when you have to say goodbye. 

But how do you know that the time is now?

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Photo by david latorre romero on Unsplash


If you are in the habit of patching up the seats every time something goes wrong, and the extra stitching isn’t holding – and you have to swap to duct tape, it is probably time to reconsider your options. 

It might not just be the seats that are having issues; if you have to tape the speakers into the door, this can also be a sign it’s time to get in touch with cash for cars and bid your old wheels adieu. 


For a while, the garage might be able to source parts, and you might make the most of the scrappers on the internet. Suddenly you need something you feel is pretty simple – but you can’t find it anywhere. It’s not available from dealers or aftermarket traders, and it has been discontinued. 

You only have a short amount of time that the car will run after this point – saying goodbye sooner is the better option. 


No matter how much you love your old runner, the moment the repairs come back with a quote that exceeds the price you could sell the car for – it is time to let it go. When the time comes that the garage gently lets you know that the parts and the labour are more than the car is worth – it’s time to let the car go to pastures new. 


If you had an almost-classic two-seater for most of your life, but now you have children, pets, and other reasons for a bigger car – this is a sure-fire sign that it is time for the car to go. 

As your life changes, your needs for your transport will also. 


Newer cars have a lot more safety features than older cars. They are built to break at the right points in the case of impact, not to mention the airbags are better. With all of the modern things in a newer car designed to keep everyone inside the vehicle safe, it’s time to get a new car if this is a concern. 

Fuel consumption

The petrol price is no joke, so if your older car is gas-guzzling, you will spend much more than the average person on keeping the car topped up. Modern cars are more fuel-efficient, designed to give you the most for your money. 


The internet is fantastic for information but isn’t a miracle worker. Over time fewer people will be posting solutions to the problems you are having. Rattling, banging, and the door that seems to have seized shut might end up staying that way. 

So if you’re ready to dive into owning a newer car, here are 3 Things To Know About Owning An Electric Car.

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