Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

The last of the “first’s”

So just a few weeks before Christmas, Daddy Vs Work sent me a text saying he had picked Kayleigh up from school and she had her first wobbly tooth!


Being our first born, it was our first wobbly tooth in our household, much excitement was to follow.

Kayleigh couldn’t wait for it to fall out, however the tooth wasn’t in that much of a hurry! On the morning of the day it did fall out I told Kayleigh to just twist it a little as it was just hanging on but she wouldn’t touch it however whilst eating dinner she suddenly realised it was missing…

She had swallowed it.

I won’t lie I was a little gutted as I wanted to keep her first tooth but I can’t tell her that as mummy doesn’t keep the tooth, the tooth fairy comes to collect it!

After a minor panic that she wouldn’t get her tooth we wrote a quick not to the tooth fairy and popped it under her pillow before she headed to bed, at 9pm she was still awake awaiting the tooth fairy to visit.

Whilst she slept the tooth fairy visited working her fairy dust magic (however Kayleigh didn’t notice and was far too occupied with the shiny coin!)

Tooth Tooth

I do however feel a little sad.

Lately both Kayleigh and Ethan have grown up so much and this feels like the final “baby” stage has gone past and now she is going to grow up so quick. She is reading and writing so well now and has her own little quirky personality.

No point in looking behind and sad though, there is so much to look forward to with them both as Kayleigh and Ethan are growing up into such little characters, we are on a non stop adventure!

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