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Moroccan Mackerel Rice with Princes

Moroccan Mackerel Rice with Princes

I am very excited to be collaborating with Princes on a couple of recipes which we are starting with the recreation of this Moroccan mackerel rice dish which, which they feature on their site.

Now I know that some people have forgotten about tinned fish however you shouldn’t! It is an amazing source of omega 3 fatty acids which helps contribute to a healthy heart. It is recommended that you should try and have 2 portions of oily fish a week to feel the real benefits from this.

Moroccan Mackerel Rice with Princes

Another great benefit for tinned fish, it is packed full of amazing flavours and Princes have brought a new dimension to it with delicious flavour combinations such as this Moroccan-style mackerel.

This dish tastes amazing yet is cooked in less than 10 minutes! Princess have kindly created this video for you to follow the recipe step by step.

Moroccan Mackerel Rice with Princes

Ingredients –

  • 2 tins Princes Moroccan Mackerel
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil
  • ½ red onion, finely chopped
  • ½ x 400g tin chickpeas in water, rinsed and drained
  • 1 packet ready to heat rice (If you have more time on your hands, you could make your own rice using Organic Brown Basmati Rice)
  • 50g baby spinach, washed
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

Method –

  • Sauté the onion in the oil over medium heat for 3-4 minutes then stir in the chickpeas, rice and spinach. Turn down the heat and cook for 5 minutes until thoroughly heated through
  • Divide between two plates. Flake the mackerel and arrange over the top of the rice.
  • Sprinkle over the chopped parsley before serving

[zrdn-recipe id=”39″]

With such a simple dish to ensure you get your fish intake, there is no excuse not to get your omega 3 boost. If you have enjoyed this dish, don’t forget to check out their website for more great recipes with not only their mackerel but also their other tinned fish and fruit.

Moroccan Mackerel Rice with Princes - Super tasy and ready in 10 minutes

Post in collaboration with Princes

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