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#The Ordinary Moments – Our London Adventure – 03/04/16

#The Ordinary Moments – Our London Adventure – 03/04/16

This post probably should have come last weekend however after a busy day in London on Saturday and the sugar rush of Easter on Sunday, it was never going to happen!

So last weekend we had organised to take our two to London with our good friends and their two little ones.

The only thing on the agenda was a trip to The Natural History Museum. Other than that we had no other plans apart from seeing where the day took us in the end really.

We all met up at the train station just after 8 with 4 very excited kids ready to go. Kayleigh and Ethan had only been on a train a couple of times and the last time that happened Ethan was in a buggy so that gives you an idea of how long ago that was!


Our train journey was full of laughter and chat on the way as they all got excited for the day ahead, awaiting the adventure to begin.Then the whole day turned into an adventure for everyone, we jumped on and off tubes and other than the museum we just went with the flow!

London London

This meant that for the kids it included a trip to Hamleys with an open invite to pick a treat (within reason!) and also a trip to M&M World in Leicester Square. Watching the kids face’s light up as they explored was priceless, they just had this look of amazement and enjoyment rolled into one.


Ending our day with cocktails and dinner at TGI Friday, the food and drink were both delicious and it was lovely to be able to enjoy it with our friends as we always have such a laugh, then we slowly rolled walked back to the train getting home way past bedtime but with a bundle of amazing memories.

TGI Friday TGI Friday TGI Friday TGI Friday

We love taking the kids out but tend to stick to places that are local to us so this was completely out of our comfort zone and I think we will definitely take another trip in the future but like this one we won’t plan it, just go with a family vote on where we end up!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



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