Good morning and happy Monday everyone (if there is a thing such as a happy Monday!). After a lazy weekend, we are back at the start of the week and it’s time for another meal plan.
I’m looking forward to this weeks meal plan as we are having some family favourites plus I am trying out a new recipe I found on Pinterest and I’m really looking forward to that one. It is also pancake day this week which I know the whole house is looking forward to, in fact, I think the kids would eat pancakes most days if we let them.
Last weeks meal plan was not too bad however our shopping bill is still higher than where I would like it to be so I am going to work really hard this week on trying to keep that lower going forward.
For now though, here is what we are cooking this week.
Our meal plan – 04/03/19:
Monday –
Haddock, potatoes and green beans – We are reviewing a new steamer so everything will be going in that!
Tuesday –
Pancakes – Simple, quick and one that I know everyone will eat.
Wednesday –
Mini toad in the holes – This was a big hit last time so I am doing them again.
Thursday –
Firecracker chicken, homemade flatbread and salad – I found this chicken recipe online and it sounds and looks delicious so can’t wait to try it out.
Friday –
Takeaway – We have friends over so it is a lazy meal today.
Saturday –
Burger and chips – Simple but also using up some of the food in the freezer!
Sunday –
Roast or stew – As per usual
What do you have cooking in your house this week? Don’t forget you can check out all our previous meal plans here if you are looking for some inspiration. You can also check out our Pinterest which is packed full of yummy dinner ideas!