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Our weekly meal plan – 12/03/2018

Good morning & welcome back to our latest meal plan, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

We pretty much followed plan last week and it was nice to not have to think about it too much. The campfire stew was delicious and so simple to make.

It made so much spare food that we have frozen another meal portion for another night.

This week’s meal plan was a bit rushed so no major plans for the week other than eating good food!

Monday –

Takeaway – It’s Daddy Vs Work’s birthday today so we are having a takeaway tonight.

Tuesday –

Tuna pasta bake – quick and simple.


Chicken curry – Not sure which type but it is a choice between our rogan or tikka masala.

Thursday –

Haddock and potatoes – Still using up the fish we have in the freezer, this is a quick dinner but healthy and tastes amazing.

Friday –

Homemade pizza – These were delicious and easy so we are planning to give them another go.

Saturday –

Pasta, meatballs and garlic bread – comfort food at its best!

Sunday –

Roast – our usual Sunday roast depending on what we can buy ?

So, this is our meal plan for the week, nothing really exciting but quick easy meals using pretty much everything we have in the house.

What is cooking in your house this week? If you are looking for inspiration you can check out all our meal plans here.

Our family meal plan for the week commencing 12th March 2018

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