Our weekly meal plan – 14th November 2022

Good evening and welcome back to a slightly later-than-planned meal plan!

The weekend just flew by and before I knew it, we were back into the work/school routine. Then like usual, I have left all my Christmas content to the last minute to get scheduled too, so that is taking priority. You would have thought that after all this time, I would have actually learnt from past mistakes, however, I haven’t!

Anyway, let’s get back to the meal plan. The last few weeks have been a bit all over the place when it comes to cooking and planning meals, so I really need to get myself back on it and organised. Yesterday I cracked the slow cooker out for a sausage casserole and it was delicious, so I will be making that again. There was even a little leftover for me to have at lunch today too which was a bonus for me.

The plan for this week is to cook meals we all enjoy and if I can bag a couple of batched cooked meals, to add them into the mix too.

Our weekly meal plan - 14th November 2022

Our weekly meal plan – 14/11/22

Monday –

Pizza and chips – Going for an easy dinner tonight, sometimes the easiest choices are the ones that make the best meals!

Tuesday –

Chilli con Carne – This is one for bulk cooking. I should even have enough for lunch the next day if I cook some extra rice as an additional bonus.

Wednesday –

Tuna pasta bake – I know this is on the menu every week but it just keeps the kids happy, happy kids = less stressed mum!

Thursday –

Burgers and wedges – It will be a “top-it-as-you-like” kind of meal. Everyone in our household likes their burgers differently, so I cook them all the same and then leave a selection of sauces and pickles etc out for them to top it up as they like.

Friday –

Chicken curry – Depending on what sort of day I have had, I will either make the sauce or reach for the jar. There is no judgement here after a hard week at work! Completed with naan bread, dinners are a winner!

Saturday –

Pork noodle stir-fry – This is a new dish for us to try out, I am hoping it is a winner as it is one of those quick meals to make midweek with minimal fuss.

Sunday –

Roast – It is time for our weekly winter roast with the trimmings! You can’t beat a roast with Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes when it is chilly outside.

I feel as though our meal plans are a little bit stuck in the rut at the minute. I always find myself going for the quick-to-make family favourites as it is just what I know best. Moving forward though, I plan to try 1 new dish a week on the menu to broaden our choices a little going forward! Maybe I need to put a little less pressure on myself when it comes to meals and accept that at times things such as sausage, egg and chips or a fish finger butty are ok.

With a fussy eater in the house, I always seem to play the options safe rather than trying out a few different things and seeing what goes down well. It is likely that it will flop but we shall see how it goes!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 14th November 2022