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Our weekly meal plan – 17/01/22

Welcome back to another weekly meal plan and I can’t believe we are fast approaching the end of January already!

Life is busy at the minute and it feels like we are trying to balance a whole host of things whilst trying to avoid that little thing called Covid which is still doing the round. Thankfully as a household, we have avoided it so far and I am hoping it continues that way but I don’t know about anyone else, it almost feels like it is inevitable now. Whilst we are healthy though I am squeezing in as much as I can to get myself ahead, should it happen. This just means time is short and cooking is at the bottom of the to-do list!

I am still struggling to get going with the healthy eating though and this week I am going to try and nail this down more than last week, it is all about better habits, I just can not get it together at the minute and plan to really knuckle down this week. Barney our new pug will have his last jabs this week and that will mean we can get out in the evenings for a short walk with both dogs, it will help get them some exercise and us!

With so much going on, I really do need to make sure this week we stay on plan. In the coming weeks, I am also going to try and do a few low price food shops for us, we need to start saving some money across the board.

Our weekly meal plan - 170122

Anyway, let’s get back to this weeks meal plan:

Our weekly meal plan – 17/01/22

Monday –

Thai red chicken curry – I have never had a Thai red chicken curry before but looking forward to this, it is another from our Gusto delivery.

Tuesday –

Zingy Basa En Papillote With Vegetable Rice – This is one of our Gusto recipes, I had to move them around from the delivery based on the dates of the products.

Wednesday –

Beef and vegetable pie – I am going to use our stewing beef to make a pie, but cook the filling in the slow cooker whilst we are at work. Then I am planning on a simple puff pastry topped pie when I get home from work.

Thursday –

Fry up – Midweek treat, something that everyone enjoys as they can pick and choose what they would like to have with their dinner.

Friday –

Chilli beef with jacket potatoes – This is a dish we have had loads of in the past but not had for a while, I am looking forward to having these tonight.

Saturday –

Tacos – The kids used to love these as they could create their own tacos but we haven’t had them in a while, I hope they are just as popular.

Sunday –

Roast chicken with the trimmings – It has been a while since I did a roast, I’m looking forward to this!

Our weekly meal plan - 170122

This is a mixed bag this week for our dinners but I do need to do a bit of a freezer stock check before next week’s shopping as I have started to get a little stash of odd bits and pieces in the freezer and using that is a great way to save on our shopping that week. It is always tough to do a meal plan when no one has any suggestions and everyone likes different things!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 170122

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