It is time for our half-term meal plan and it is going to be an easy one for us. We don’t have many plans for the week other than catching up with some things that need doing around the house and getting the dogs out for some day time walks.
Last week’s meal plan went well, other than the steak, we stuck to it all week which was good. The homemade doner kebabs were delicious, I was a little dubious as the mix did not smell great before it was added to the mince, however, I didn’t need to worry as it was great. We will be having them again at some point.
We don’t have many plans for half term week as we are gearing up for a busy few weeks with mocks and assessments as soon as the kids are back at school, so I am going to use that as a bit of planning for the coming weeks for meal plans that we will all enjoy. As we have said before, we find ourselves stuck with the same meals on rotation, so I want to find a few new dishes that we can either prep and leave in the slow cooker during the day or ones that are quick in the air fryer. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Right, let’s get to this week’s meal plan.
Our weekly meal plan – 17/02/25
Monday –
Fry up – I haven’t cooked a fry up in a while so looking forward to a picky dinner. It always goes down well as people place their orders before I start cooking.
Tuesday –
Spicy veggie pasta -We have a few bits in the fridge that need to be used up, so this is the perfect way to use them. I have just brought a jar of sauce from Asda and will add our bits in as I wanted a lazy option rather than making it from scratch.
Wednesday –
Eating out – As it is half term, we are going to get either lunch or dinner out. So no cooking for me tonight!
Thursday –
Hot dogs & chips – They are always a winner, so plan on a quick win for dinner tonight.
Friday –
Beef stew – I can’t remember the last time I made a beef stew, so plan to pop it in the slow cooker and leave it cooking all day and enjoy in the evening.
Saturday –
Freezer food – Nothing fancy, but everyone can pick what they would like from the options we have in the freezer. It will also free up some space too.
Sunday –
Tacos – Last night before we head back to school and work so picking another family favourite.

Nothing special on the menu this week, just firm favourites. Hopefully, we can add a few more to that rotation in the coming weeks.
I don’t know about your household, but our household food bill is getting out of hand. It is not even just the big shops, but popping in for a loaf of bread and milk turns out to be £20 later. The coming weeks I am trying to really cut our food bill down as we look to save for a big holiday later in the year. It is going to be more about planning and preparation too, with more meals prepared in bulk so they can be easily made at a later date.
I am hoping that this also provides a little inspiration to you all but don’t forget to check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration or even our food blog, The Family Cookbook where we share our favourite recipes.