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Our weekly meal plan – 23/04/2018

Our weekly meal plan – 23/04/2018

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to our latest meal plan.

I hope the sun has been shining where you are and you’ve managed to enjoy it a little bit ?

Last week’s meal plan went a bit off plan if I’m being honest for two separate reasons. One was the sun at the end of the week saw us cracking out the BBQ however we did use bits we had in the freezer so that is ok.

The other reason was my dairy and yeast intolerance has flared up, in fact it is the worse it has ever been. I was actually quiet poorly with it at the beginning of the week so have had to change lots of our meals around to adjust for it. I did mention I had to start eating healthier and this has really just given me a bit of a kick up the bum to do that.

So, I’m a little unprepared for the meal plan this week but will try and make the best I can with the ingredients we have that I can eat!

Here is what is cooking this week:

Monday –

Jacket potatoes & beans – really quick but something I quiet enjoy when it is hot.

Tuesday –.

Fish – Simple but quick. Not quite sure what we will have but we’ll see what takes our fancy on the day.

Wednesday –

Chicken fajita – I love these are so quick to make but a big hit with the family too.

Thursday –

Pasta & meatballs – Delicious and quick.

Friday –

Burgers and chips – I can enjoy these with the family just without the bun!

Saturday –

Chilli con carne – Something with a bit of heat for the weekend.

Sunday –

Slow cooker beef Rogan – This will give us left over either for the week or another meal to pop in the freezer.

I know this week’s meal plan is a little uninspiring but I’m still trying to adjust to my new diet so playing it safe with the meals I know I can eat.

What is cooking in your kitchen this week?

Our family meal plan for the week 23/04/2018

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