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Our weekly meal plan – 23rd May 2022

Good morning and welcome back to another weekly meal plan, the only posts that seem to be surviving on the blog lately.

After a bit of a break though, I am back on track with meal planning and blogging, so expect a week full of posts to be coming up, including a new competition launching in a few days’ time!

Back to the meal planning though, we are on the home stretch with school and work and have almost made it to a week off, just the busiest of weeks to get through. Our half term is pretty busy too, but it is catching up with home bits so I am very much looking forward to switching off from work and getting on with things in and around the house that week.

Our weekly meal plan - 23rd May 2022

I am still on Slimming World and going to the groups, though I have taken to just getting weighed in and then going straight after. The group sessions are not really for me and I think in time I will switch back to the online version soon. I just found that the almost therapy group session is not really something I am comfortable in, though, I can see why it works for so many people. That is why healthy eating is different for everyone and I would never judge or tell people to do it the way it works for me, as everyone’s journey is different.

Anyway, this week’s meal plan is inspired by lots of new Slimming World meals that I have in a new cookbook. Each is a little different but I am hoping that we can find a few new dishes that everyone will eat and enjoy.

Let’s get on with what we have cooking this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 23/05/22

Monday –

Korean pork and rice bowl – This is one of the new recipes in the book that we are trying and the pictures look amazing, if it comes out anywhere near them I will be very happy!

Tuesday –

Fish in parsley sauce with new potatoes and vegetables – I have found a Slimming World recipe for parsley sauce so I am going to give it a go and see how it tastes.

Wednesday –

Pasta with homemade veggie sauce – It is weigh-in day today so I am going to make a quick pasta dish when I get in. I always just throw in what veggies we have in the fridge to make the sauce along with some chilli, garlic and chopped tomatoes. I always end up with lunch for the next day too so that is a winner!

Thursday –

Cajun rice with chicken and beans – Another dish from the new Slimming World book I brought, it sounds and looks nice so hoping it tastes just as good.

Friday –

Takeaway – Sticking with what we like on the weekend!

Saturday –

Keema curry – It has been a while since I made this curry so I am looking forward to having this again.

Sunday –

Eating out – We have a family event during the day, so not likely to be eating at home.

With the weather warming up, I am going to start looking for quick dinner options for the summer soon. There is nothing worse than standing in the kitchen cooking whilst in the middle of the summer heat, so I suspect it will be quick meals of salads, jacket potatoes and cereal!

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration. If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.


Our weekly meal plan - 23rd May 2022

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