Our weekly meal plan – 8th May 2023

We are back again with another meal plan, though this week we have no Hello Fresh box, so it is back to cooking without the help of the prepared boxes!

I really enjoyed the Hello Fresh box we had last week, though as it was 60% off, it was good value for money. All of the meals were eaten and some were more popular than others. The kids loved the New York-style hot dogs and I am on the hunt for some hickory smoked sausages to recreate that one again in the future.

This week, although it is only a 4-day week, is going to be long! I have 2 nights of late meetings, so plan on having as easy a week as I can when it comes to the cooking. Sticking to family favourites or using up some of the items we have in the fridge/freezer. It is a little repetitive at the minute but this is just simply due to lack of time, rather than learning a new meal or coming up with something different, I tend to reach for the family favourites for ease.

I can not wait for the warmer weather to roll in thought and for us to be able to enjoy simple things such as jacket potatoes and salad. We have just been able to harvest the first bits of salad from the garden and it is amazing to just go and pick fresh vegetables and eat them. Still lots to learn about gardening but loving it so far!

Our weekly meal plan - 8th May 2023

Anyway, let’s get back to what we have cooking this week.

Our weekly meal plan – 0/05/23

Monday –

Takeaway.- We are rounding off a lazy bank holiday weekend with a takeaway, just the right way to chill out and reset ready for the week,

Tuesday –

Chicken curry, rice and naan bread – Super simple as I am using shop brought sauce but just as delicious.

Wednesday –

Spaghetti bolognese – The plan is to bulk this out with mushrooms, carrots and tomatoes. Making it as healthy as I can before enjoying it topped with a little cheese!

Thursday –

Jacket potatoes and beans – It will be a late one for me, so the plan is for something simple that doesn’t take too long to cook!

Friday –

Tuna pasta bake – Kids’ favourite, so it makes it an easier dinner.

Saturday –

Roast – Not sure what we will have this week, it will be dependant on what I can get with the shopping this week.

Sunday –

Tacos – The kids love it when we have tacos, it is a firm favourite as they can pick and choose what they want in there.

Our weekly meal plan - 8th May 2023

This week feels a little basic after our week of delicious meals from Hello Fresh, but the reality is, I need to get a little more organised if I am going to be cooking some of those dishes. That is probably why they are so popular, as they get you organised without you needing to think of anything other than what you want to eat.

From next week I think I am going to try and add one new dish a week to the menu, something we haven’t tried before. This way, by the summer we should have a range of meals that is popular with everyone and it will make our choices a little more exciting.

If you are after some more inspiration you can check our previous weekly meal plan here. Alternatively, why not check out our Pinterest boards here for more inspiration If you have a family favourite, even the fussiest of eaters will eat, please share it in the comments below for a little inspiration for those reading this.

Our weekly meal plan - 8th May 2023