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The realities of life when your job is online

Working for myself was the biggest career change I have ever made, but what is it really like when your job involves being online most of the time?

If I could say to you that you could spend the next 5 hours online (uninterrupted!!), across social media, pinning images to Pinterest, reading blog posts, working on your own blog. Lots of people would think this is great, what are you complaining at?

I’m not, your right it is amazing right. I pinch myself daily at how lucky I am to be able to walk my children to school, attend all the events and assemblies that they have running without trying to arrange time off work.

However, it’s not always so simple and straight forward.

Firstly, there is no security in your job, currently I am reliant on those I have worked with paying in a timely manner. Not an easy task that’s for sure, it is like a security blanket being taken away when you are in sole control of the money coming in.

There is also the lack of holiday & sick pay, it doesn’t exist. It includes a week of 6am starts and 10.30 pm finishes to make sure you are planned and scheduled for the week.

Without internet, working becomes almost impossible.

In fact, I’ve got so many apps on my phone for the “just in case” days without broadband. I also use word to type blog posts on just in case it goes AWOL on my site if the internet goes down.

I’m not sure about you but I use the internet for everything. As well as work, it’s there for banking, paying bills, shopping and so much more. Even Kayleigh and Ethan are learning to use it to research for homework, thank god for Google!

With technology changing the way we live and work in everyday life, it is becoming more and more important that we ensure we are using the best service. If you use it for business, are here to help!

As well as the everyday tasks that you can now do online, I’ve noticed how many things are dropping off in paper versions and are moving over to the internet. Our local papers do not deliver any more to our area, you can read all the news online.

I also read an article last week that announced that Yell will be no longer printing the yellow pages soon. I know lots probably thought it stopped a long time ago, in fact I can’t remember the last time I saw one!

It has become a sign of the time with the online world becoming bigger and more dominant in lots of markets.

Do you embrace the change or do you prefer to stick to traditional options?

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The realities of life when your job is online

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