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Summer Fruit Muffins


Kayleigh and Ethan love to be in the kitchen and help to bake/cook so when we received some baking goodies from Bright Horizons childcare in Chesham we couldn’t wait to give one of their recipes a try.
Now my two take after me, they have a sweet tooth so it was always going to be a pudding that we gave a go and the summer fruit muffins are a great recipe to try out with little ones. We ran out of the raspberries and blueberries before the bake (Kayleigh and Ethan eat so much fruit!) so we made a small adjustment and added strawberries in their replacement.

This muffins are super simple to make and both the kids loved them! As you can see too, even with our adjustment of fruit, they came out really well. You could make a whole variety of different muffin flavours by just swapping out the fruit in this recipe for another fruit.

Baking with kids doesn’t need to be hard work and this is a great example of a simple recipe that everyone can get involved in.img 1511

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What is your favourite baking to do with your little ones?

We received some goodies to help us create this recipe.




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