Yesterday saw myself and Daddy Vs Work head down to London (our 2nd time in a year, what is happening?!) for the biggest blogging conference in the UK, BritMums Live.
It was my first ever blogging conference since I started blogging 5 years ago and probably only my 2nd or 3rd blogging event.
It’s not that I don’t receive exciting blogging invites, I do.
They just tend to be on a busy day at work or I just lack the confidence to attend them!
Yesterday when we arrived at BritMum’s I felt way out of my comfort zone. In fact not long after we arrived I said to Daddy Vs Work that maybe I had made a mistake in deciding to go. I just felt a bit out of place with it all and I don’t do well with big crowds.
Thankfully that feeling didn’t last very long.
Once we were registered and in we bumped into Jo from Mum Friendly Jo who thankfully came over to say hi and calmed nerves! Jo was my blogging big sister when I started blogging a few years back so it was nice to finally meet her!
From there on the day was full on.
I had made a list of the sessions I wanted to attend and in between we meet brands in the hub. I still struggled to do the introductions but I did better than I expected to.
Unfortunately for me by the afternoon my foot was giving up so we had to make our ways to the sessions a little earlier so i could rest up (roll on the operation in August so it gets fixed and I can get back to normal)
I took on board so much at the event on things I want to do with the blog and so may ideas are running through my head that I need to sit down and take it in and plan the way forward. I found Emily’s session on Pinterest so helpful and can’t wait to get started on this but also I loved Judith Lewis SEO session. She explained things in terms that were simple to understand but also cleared up so many questions.
One thing I didn’t achieve was the ability to introduce myself to people.
I can’t explain why, I am happy to talk to people virtually but when it comes to introducing face to face, I lack the confidence to introduce myself.
So if you are a blogger I met, “Hi, I’m Paula, I blog at Mummy Vs Work, lovely to meet you”
The one thing I do regret is not asking the blogger who sat next to me in the PR session at 2pm (first table on the right as you went in the room) what her blog name was, so if that was you do leave a comment.
It was a great day in all and so much has come from it, here is to a successful 2016 on the blog and hopefully some exciting blogger collaborations on the blog this year. Also a huge thank you to my sponsors for making it possible 🙂