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Our weekly meal plan – 08/01/2017

Welcome back to our latest meal plan and our 2nd of 2018 already!

It is safe to say we are all back into the swing on the week again now with the kids back at school and us back to work. Last week flew by with so much going on so hopefully this week will be a bit quieter.

Time however to get our meal plan sorted for the week and get a little bit more organised this week. Do you make a weekly meal plan? I’ve found it helps so much with the planning of our shopping but also takes out the stress of working out what to make after a day at work!

Monday –

Chicken Rogan – The kids are back to swimming tonight so I will pop this on when I get home. You can’t beat a homemade curry and this one is a hugely popular post on the blog.

Tuesday –

 Tuna pasta bake – Simple and tasty.

Wednesday –

Pancakes – Easy to make and always eaten so easy choice!

Thursday –

 Smoked haddock and potatoes – healthy and really easy to cook.

Friday –

 Chicken & chips – This is the frozen sort of chicken… depending on what we have. It will be fresh chips made in our new Breville Halo.

Saturday –

Pasta & meatballs – Musclefood meatballs are popular in this house as is pasta so it is a perfect pairing!

Sunday –

Roast or stew – All depending on what is on offer at the supermarket this week.

So, this is the plan for the week, hopefully we stick to it and we can start to clear our freezer down a little too.

What is on your menu this week?

Our weekly meal plan 080118


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