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Our weekly meal plan – 29/01/2018

Our weekly meal plan – 29/01/2018

Good evening, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and welcome back to our latest meal plan.

Last week was a good week for us with our meal plan and with us trying even harder to watch what we spend on food and our wastage; the weekly shop was only £55 for the 4 of us.

I know this may be high still for some however for us it is a huge improvement so I am very happy with that.

So, to the important part, what we are cooking this week:

Monday –

Steak & chips – The kids are at swimming tonight so it’s a quick meal for us after swimming. Halo chips again, it really does make the best chips!

Tuesday –

Smoked haddock & new potatoes – Quick and healthy so an easy choice.

Wednesday –

Easy chicken & chorizo paella – This featured in my round up of family meals and it sounded amazing so looking forward to trying this.

Thursday –

Chilli con carne – Again this is a simple dish to make but I really like the fact we usually have leftovers from this so it helps with a future meal.

Friday –

Meatballs and pasta – MuscleFood have delivered so it’s an easy meal for us tonight.

Saturday –

Chicken curry – I love homemade curry so plan to make our rogan dish with chicken though as that is what I have in the freezer.

Sunday –

Roast – As usual this will be whatever is on offer when I do the shopping.

If you are looking for some meal inspirations don’t forget you can check out our other meal plans here.

I also did a round up of 15 family favourite recipes from other bloggers here, make sure you check it out as there is some amazing dishes there that are sure to appeal to the whole family.

What is cooking in your house this week?

Our weekly meal plan 290118 #MealPlanning #FamilyMeals 


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