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Wise Word Wednesday with Katie

Good morning and welcome back to our Wise Words Wednesday feature, where every week a blogger takes to the hot seat to share their blogging journey. This week we have the lovely Katie who blogs over at taking to the hotseat.

Her blog is a great mix of her life as a student as well as fashion and beauty along the way, make sure you pop over and have a read once you’ve finished here!

For now though it’s time to hand you over to Katie.

Tell us a little bit about you & your blog:

I’m Katie Lauren, a 19-year-old lifestyle blogger. My content varies from lifestyle, fashion, beauty and student life… basically anything I think would make for interesting content!

What inspired you to start blogging?

I was inspired to start blogging by big bloggers such as the usual Zoella and Poppy Deyes. But at the same time, I was inspired by doing media studies at school, I fell in love with the subject and wanted to be creative. I’d get lost creating websites, magazines, videos, I wanted to be more creative outside of my studies and I found that blogging was one of the best ways I could be creative and get my work out there.

What has been your highlight of blogging?

My highlight currently has been the connection that blogging brings, in multiple ways. The connection between other bloggers, between brands and companies. As well as the connection I’ve built towards my blog as cringy as that sounds.

Is there anything you have learnt about blogging which you wish you knew when you started out?

I’ve had two blogs prior to the one I currently use. The reason why I stopped uploading to these were because I lost motivation, I felt like my content and my blog page weren’t as good as they should be. The little number of views I received was demotivating. But I’ve learnt now that you get out what you put in, numbers aren’t everything and that you continue working on your blog to make it reach the point you’re happy with it. I wish I knew to keep persevering.

Bloggers sometimes get a lot of stick however many work really hard and are reaping the rewards, what has been the most rewarding part of blogging for you?

Although I’m only small I think the thing that’s been most rewarding for me is working with a brand for the first time. It’s not a case of just being sent freebies, it’s like being offered a job, it comes with all the same hard work and reward. It means more than the free stuff purely because it means a brand/ company believe your work is good enough for them.

What would be your 1 tip you would give all new bloggers starting out?

Persevere. Exactly as I learnt, in order to ‘succeed’ you need to keep at it, even when you’re disheartened. You need to remember the reason you started blogging in the first place. If you started blogging to get thousands of views and free stuff, then you need to remember work needs to be put in before you get this.

Who do you find inspiring to read/watch in the blogging world?

I honestly love any blogs that I come across, I find any blog I read inspiring because it stems more ideas and motivates me to create more content.

Lastly – do you have any big plans/dreams for your blog in the next 12 months?
The plans for my blog are mostly behind the scenes and very admin-y, I want to become self-hosted and I want to work on increasing my DA. As for content wise, I’m going to be creating a lot of travel blogs and come August/ September a lot of University based blogs for new students.

Thank you to Katie for taking time to join us and don’t forget you can give her a follow over on her social media:




Wise Words Wednesday with Katie


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