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Wise Words Wednesday with Laura

Good morning and welcome back to our Wise Words Wednesday feature. Today we are welcoming the lovely Laura from Laura’s corner taking to the hot seat.

Laura’s blog is full of posts that cover lots of subject’s so is the perfect site to sit down with a cuppa and take a break catching up on her posts.

Time to hand over to her now 🙂

Tell us a little bit about you & your blog:

Hi! My name is Laura and I have the blog Laura’s Corner.  On my blog I cover a lot of subjects, like travel, fashion, home improvement and beauty.

What inspired you to start blogging?

My blog started out as a beauty blog and I started blogging because I loved to talk about beauty products and I loved to write reviews about the products that I was using. I still enjoy to do this, but I don’t have enough time to cover this subject as much as want to.

What has been your highlight of blogging?

I never started blogging with the idea that I will get something from it, but when I started receiving invitation from brands to review their products and get sponsored opportunities, then I realised that I made from my passion a real job and I love it!

Is there anything you have learnt about blogging which you wish you knew when you started out?

Hmm, maybe not to take things so personally? In the beginning I was so upset when I did not get a positive answer from a brand or something like that, but now I understand that this is also a business and nobody has something personal with me or my blog and if I don’t get an opportunity it doesn’t mean that I’ve failed and that I am not good.

Bloggers sometimes get a lot of stick however many work really hard and are reaping the rewards, what has been the most rewarding part of blogging for you?

The moment I managed to earn enough money from blogging to sustain my family was the most rewarding part of blogging ever!

What would be your 1 tip you would give all new bloggers starting out?

To set their goals straight and understand that good blogging needs time in order to succeed.

Who do you find inspiring to read/watch in the blogging world?

I like to see people that remain true to their values. I like blogger who remain the same no matter how many opportunities and collaborations they have. lately that’s quite a rare thing.

Lastly – do you have any big plans/dreams for your blog in the next 12 months?

Well, I also have another blog  Suburban Mummy , so for 2018 I really hope to manage to grow my blogs and  have the same faithful followers that I had in 2017.

Wise Words Wednesday Laura

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