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Mummy Mishaps Cupcake Challange!

The lovely Jenny at Mummy Mishaps has set up a fantastic cooking competition which runs once a month with a different theme. So this months theme was Cupcakes!

Now i’m not going to lie, the last time i attempted a cupcake recipe, it was a disaster! But i wanted to give this a go and working with 2 under 3 i needed a recipe that was tried and tested, so i decided to steal borrow Mummy Mishaps lovely toffee apple cupcake recipe.

So now for our results, as demonstrated by my lovely kitchen assistants, Kayleigh (3 almost!) and Ethan (15 Months)

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So far so good! Then i get abandoned for the rescuers! So that left me doing the buttercream icing:



Then beep beep beep went the oven timer… time to face our cupcake destiny!




Not bad i don’t think! I think my icing skills may need a bit of work tho!


But they tasted yummy, Plus the kitchen assistant had to taste test them!


So a big thank you to Jenny at Mummy Mishaps ! These were a big hit in this house!

I Love Cake

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