Mummy vs Work: Streamline Your Life (We Use Cookies)

12 Months to go!

Ok first wedding post on the blog… eek!

Our wedding is now less than 12 months away and it is quiet scary how quick it is going.

So I thought the first post would be a bit better to post about the things we have managed to achieve rather than those we need to get sorted!

  • Venue – All booked and it is gorgeous. It is over looking the river and the ceremony itself is taking part in an old barn and then we move into a little bar over looking the river whilst its turned around. I can’t tell you how much I love it but I do. Kayleigh and I even have a night in the suite before getting ready there and heading to the wedding.


  • Dress – You know “that” dress. Well its now sitting in my mums spare room waiting for the big day. I didn’t intend to buy it so early and went dress shopping in a sale and brought something that at the beginning was everything I said I didn’t want but when I put it on it was just “wow”.
  • Photographer – I am so excited by the photographer we have booked. She was the one I wanted way back before we even started planning our wedding. I started our hunt for a photographer and just spoke to several but speaking to Jay (eventually after she had left a message on my phone telling me I was ringing her at the time she was talking 🙂 ) I felt at ease. I know her photography is amazing anyway but she is just the right one for us and I can’t wait for the day and for her to catch our special moments forever.


  • Registrar – Our notice of marriage is in and our registrar is booked. We have decided on a 2pm wedding as we felt this would work well for the evening and food especially as we have a young family. Giving the notice of marriage made it feel very real!

So there is just a little bit of where we are and what we have got done. There is a lot more but a little at a time :

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