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Goals and Aims for 2020

Goals and Aims for 2020

Happy New Year!

The new year is always a great time for me to set some new goals and aims. Not to put pressure on myself but just to give myself something to aim for.  For me, I find if I have some goals I can focus on these a little more and then hopefully achieve that little bit more.

Every month I do a little goal for the month post, where I plan the month coming and look back at the month that has just gone. However at the beginning of the year I like to plan the big goals for the whole year. One that will require a little more effort. Here are my goals and aims for 2020.

Personal – These are ones for us as a family to achieve:

  1. Focus on our money – This year is a big year for us with money as I have big plans and goals. With this in mind, we need to stay focused on our outgoings and incoming.
  2. Eat more of a variety – At the end of last year we got stuck in a rut with the same meals. This year I would like to start trying a few more dishes, including maybe trying out a few more vegetarian dishes to add to our menu.
  3. Look after ourselves a bit more – Admittedly last year was a bit chaotic with all the house bits going on, this year is all about recharging and looking after ourselves a little better. Lazy days in, no work and just a bit of TLC.

Work – These goals are for the blog and other work sources for me to achieve:

  1. Blog a regular schedule – I was doing quite well on the blog until the Christmas run-in. So now I want to be a little more regular on the blog.
  2. Share more recipes – I would love to bring a bit more food to Mummy Vs Work. I love cooking and baking so it makes sense to share a bit more of that on my site.
  3. Earn more – As always, I would like to earn a little more money on the blog this year.
  4. Earn smarter – Tying into number 3, I am going to focus on spending time streamlining income rather than chasing income this year. I want to work smarter when it comes to making money, not harder.
  5. Work on my traffic – Over the last year I have been working on my Pinterest and it was doing really well until they suspended my account, without any real explanation even after I asked. I did get it back however it has left me a little wary in using it. This year though I need to get back on this and the keyword work to help drive traffic.

Do you set yourself any goals or aims? I’d love to know what you have set it you do, feel free to pop them in the comments box below.

Goals and Aims for 2020

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