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Aims and goals for June 2020

Aims and goals for June 2020

It’s been a long time since I set myself some aims and goals. In fact, the last time I did write some goals was this post back at the beginning of the year. It is something I like to do as it gives me a little more focus and with the current situation, I think it is something I need.

For so long I have been bouncing around from one thing to the next without really getting anywhere, yet with almost half the year gone already, I want to achieve some goals!

I split them into two different sections, personal and blog. They are there to challenge me but not be unobtainable, after all, if I fail month after month to reach them I will just give up before I start!

Goals for June 2020

Personal goals –

  1. Get back to working out – I had got into a little routine of working out 3 times a week, however, I then pulled a muscle so that stopped it for about 10 days. With bad habits kicking in I never picked it back up but I need to do this again to get back into the routine of it.
  2. Stream consistently – I love streaming, it is something I do for me and I find it a great way to push myself out of my comfort zone. I want to make sure that June is the month that I nail down my stream schedule. If you like to watch streamers on Twitch you can find me here. My streams are Monday to Friday, starting from 8pm.
  3. Eat a little better – Again like the fitness, bad habits have snuck in and my diet has gone to pot. Chocolate before lunch, yeah why not. Takeaway as I’m too lazy to cook, go on then! There are no excuses, making better eating habits should be the go-to option.

Blog goals –

  1. Blog consistently – Lately I have really struggled to put words onto the page. I just have no motivation to write at times which is not very helpful.
  2. Get a 3rd blog up and running – I have two blogs now which cover a range of topics, but predominantly are there to bring in a variety of income sources. With this in mind I would like to get my third blog up and running shortly.
  3. Increase traffic on my blogs by 10% – My blog traffic has had a small increase over the last few months due to people being in lockdown I think. I want to utilise this time to work on increasing blog traffic steadily for the rest of the year. Working through keyword and improving my Pinterest presences.

None of the above is not achievable, all I need to do is start focusing on what areas I need to address first. I have spent too long dilly-dallying around things, not actually getting things done. So if I can nail down a few on this to-do list, I should be in a good position to keep going!

Aims and Goals for June 2020

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