Collaborative post – though all thoughts are our own
January is a tough month for lots of people, it just feels like a very long month when it comes to finances.
Lot’s of people, including myself, use January as a fresh start and look at ways to boost income in January. For some people it may be a way to pay off some of Christmas, others it is just to help get through the month and for some, it is a way to reach their new goals as January is the start of a new year.

If you are looking to boost your income there are lots of great ways to get started, some of which only require a little bit of your time to get you started.
- Have a clear-out and sell up some of your unwanted items – There are many of us looking to declutter in January and you can make money just by decluttering. You are able to sell items on places like FB Marketplace, Gumtree and eBay really easily. With FB and Gumtree, most of the time it is collection only which means you do not need to take into consideration postage and packaging costs or fees. Just remember that if you are selling on eBay and need to post you will need to consider things such as packaging, Lil Packaging offer a range of packing solutions such as their Lil Mailbox which is perfect for posting things such as DVDs, games etc.
- Cashback – I have spoken about this before on the blog and still people tell me they have never used cashback sites before. Cashback sites such as Quidco and Topcashback give you money when you purchase from certain sites after clicking through from their site. Personally I prefer using Quidco and over the years I have made £1770 back on purchases I was going to make anyway. Look at it as a discount if you are making a purchase, why say no to free money?!
- Matched betting – Now this one requires a little more effort and a little investment however, it does work. Lots of people get a little concerned with matched betting that they are gambling their money away. Technically you are placing bets but you are counterbalancing the risk by laying the bets at the same time then taking advantage of the bets. There are two main sites that offer step by step walkthroughs on this, they are Profit Accumulator and Matched Bets. You can read a straight forward guide on this here on the blog.
There is no quick fix to suddenly raise money, however, there are lots of ways to boost your income over the coming months. It is all about focusing on the things that work for you the best, so if you are not planning to make any purchases, cashback isn’t really going to help you. However, if you have a little time matched betting or selling your unwanted items will be perfect.