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7 Years and still going

Well, today marks 7 years of this blog, 7 years of me blogging full stop.

That is a long time for me to stick with anything, in fact, it has turned more into a passion rather than a hobby.

I won’t lie, it’s not always been easy. Behind the scenes, hours of work are put in every week as I try and keep on top of my blog, plugins, emails, social media and so much more. With there being more and more blogs online these days too, sometimes it is hard to stand out and be heard.

However, over the years I have learnt to let go of insecurities over my blog and accept this is still my space on the internet. I may not have the best pictures and I might not be the best at SEO for example but that doesn’t matter. This blog isn’t about other people this is about us as a family and me as a creative space to write my thoughts.

We have been very fortunate that this blog has become what it has, it has given us as a family so many opportunities and it will always be remembered for supporting us when times got tough. It has not always been easy financially over the years but this little space has given me the chance to earn some extra money as a side job.

If you are thinking about starting a blog, I would say, go for it! Be you, be honest and don’t fall into the same traps I did over the years. You can’t replicate other blogs that you look up to as everyone is unique.

What works for one, doesn’t mean it is going to work for another. It is all about being you and being open with your readers. Take them on your trips through your posts and inspire them to cook if you share your recipes. That’s what keeps them coming back.

For me, I will forever grateful for what this blog has developed into and the opportunities we have been given. Lots of them would be things that we would never have had the chance to do had I not been blogging. I’m also grateful for my followers sticking around to read what I write not only on here but social media too, so thank you!

Be kind, be thoughtful, be genuine, but most of all, be thankful. - 7 years and still going

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