It’s time for another picture that sums up our week for our feature, our week in one picture.
Theses posts are to allow us the chance to remember some things that maybe just little things and not significant to most but they mean a lot to us.
The last week has been our last week at school for 6 weeks, it has been manic! With so much to be done, the last week passed in pretty much a blur.
However, we did end the week with a celebration assembly in school in which Kayleigh and Ethan received their 100% attendance award.
Ethan also picked up the award for Value’s champion for year 4. It was awarded for a Friendship and was something he just was not expecting.
We are now finished for the next 6 weeks and I know it is going to fly by so we plan to make the most of it recharge our batteries and get ourselves organised after a busy few months!