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How to Raise an Optimistic Child

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Optimism is an important mindset, because it allows us to face life’s challenges with a positive attitude, making them easier to overcome. As a result, there’s less headspace for worrying, and we are motivated to keep on trying. If a person sees everything in a negative light, they will struggle to find fulfilment and true happiness. With all that said, parents should try and help their child become more optimistic using the following advice from an independent school in Hampshire.

Consider Your Own Approach 

Are you a glass half full or half empty sort of person? Your own attitude will resonate with your child, so try and be as optimistic as possible. Avoid complaining in front of them and try to look for the silver lining in situations. If you have a big presentation coming up at work that you’re worried about, say something like “I’m not looking forward to this presentation but I’m sure it will go well as I have prepared!”. This will help show your child that even when situations aren’t particularly pleasant, they should still try and be positive.

Give Your Child a Confidence Boost 

Help your child develop a sense of independence by allowing them to make their own mistakes and solve problems on their own. This will help them with their confidence, and they’ll realise that nothing is as bad as it seems at first. Use positive reinforcement where possible and help them understand that even when things don’t go to plan, there’s always the next time. This will encourage them to look to the future with optimism, rather than worrying about it.

Provide Your Child with Positive Experiences 

Ensure your child is able to experience new things on a regular basis, so that they are able to feel uplifted and inspired. These positive experiences should be able to balance out any negatives that they face, and they’ll learn that life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to ensure your child has things to look forward to so that they are able to focus on what makes them happy.

Practise Gratitude 

Talk to your child about what they’re grateful for because, again, this will help them put things into perspective and focus on the positive aspects of life. For instance, they might have had a tough maths lesson, but at least they were able to spend the evening with people they love. Chat about those less fortunate than them so that they realise how lucky they are.

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