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How to Recover From a Traumatic Labour

Having a baby is a life-changing experience. Bringing new life into the world is amazing and the start of a long and challenging journey. However, labour and birth can be difficult, and for some, it can be a traumatising experience if things go wrong. If you have been emotionally affected by your experience, how can you come to terms with it and recover?


After a traumatic event, it’s common to experience symptoms of PTSD, and it’s important to talk. You may be feeling anxious and emotional, but you should remember these feelings are perfectly natural. You may be struggling to sleep or having nightmares and flashbacks. PTSD can manifest itself in a variety of ways and can be frightening, and you may have feelings of helplessness.

Talking about your emotions can help you process them, and it’s useful to seek out those who have been through similar trauma.

You could visit your GP and ask him to put you in touch with support groups in the area that you can join. This will allow you to open up in a safe environment and help you feel less isolated. You can also utilise social media and find groups of women you can connect with for mutual support.


Having a new baby is exhausting and demanding at the best of times, but even more so if your experience was less than ideal. If you’re struggling with the demands of motherhood and suffering emotional distress, ask for help and allow people to assist.

Family members such as parents are usually happy to lend a hand, and you should schedule some time for self-care. Get as much sleep as you can, and always sleep when the baby does. If you are relieved of duties for a while, plan some things you enjoy, such as a long hot bubble bath with a book or coffee with a friend. If you feel tense, why not treat yourself to a massage to help you feel relaxed and calm the mind.

Make sure you prepare simple but healthy meals. You may not feel like cooking elaborate dinners, but ensure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Getting the right nutrients will help your body and mind recover and make you feel more energised and able to cope. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy a sweet treat sometimes, especially if it makes you happy.

Legal Assistance

If part of the birth trauma was because of a birth-related injury, you might feel that you haven’t got closure. It’s easy to get wrapped up with all there is to do when the baby arrives, but it’s crucial to deal with any negligence that occurred before, during or just after your baby’s birth. If your baby has experienced a brain injury at birth, it’s crucial you establish the reason it happened and identify if it could have been prevented. There are legal experts available for advice if you believe that your baby’s condition is a direct cause of the actions of the hospital.

It may help you recover and provide better care for your child if you feel you are getting justice and compensation for inadequate medical care.

The journey of parenthood is a long one, and caring for a child with special needs is challenging, but with the right help and support, you can provide your child with the life and love they deserve.

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