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Pre-School Jitters

So it’s that time of the year when everyone’s babies become little people and start on their journey to becoming independent people.


Kayleigh started pre-school back in May when she turned 2 1/2. We pay for her to attend 7 hours a week, spread over 3 afternoons.

I wont lie, it was a bit of a nightmare for the first 2 weeks.

Her first day was a Tuesday and I took the day off to take her to school, she was so excited to put her uniform on like a big girl ready to head there. Her pre-school is attached to the infant and junior school about 10 minutes walk from our house, so we left with plenty of time.


The whole way there we talked about what she would be doing and how much fun she was going to have, but deep down I knew what was going to happen.

Kayleigh is fortunate enough (along with Ethan) to go to both Nannies during the week whilst I work and although whilst on both maternity leave periods we went to play groups and signing classes and on a Friday we go to a stay and play, Kayleigh has always been quiet shy. She is fine around people she knows or she warms up after a while, but she always likes to have a familiar face around her.

So I knew deep down what would happen and it did.

As soon as we got to the school gate she refused to walk, she remembered where she was from the visit we had prior to her starting. So we carried on down the path to the school, with me carrying her.

When it was time to go in, I had to take her into her class. Then came the heart breaking moment of having to leave her crying. Yes it was hard but she needed to be there, she needed to have that interaction with other children other than Ethan and the ones at Stay and Play. I’m not completely heartless, I felt awful but I knew this would be the start of something great for her.

And so this continued for about 2 weeks, but everyday was that little bit easier until there was no tears.

So come last week I was dreading her returning, she had been off for almost 7 weeks due to the lip accident so I was expecting us to be back to square 1. We wasn’t, she couldn’t wait to get back in to school. She didn’t even look back!

So here is the whole point of this post, have faith in what you are doing, the results will become clear in the future, now I have a beautiful little girl who is brimming with confidence. She joins in with the singing in class, plays beautifully with the other children and loves going to school! Good thing really as she’ll be in for 3 hours every afternoon come January 🙂

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