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Should I Consider Theatre School for My Child?

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If your child’s a natural born performer and has a passion for theatre, stage school could be just the thing that they need to plunge themselves into the limelight. Theatre schools are specialised schools for young and upcoming talent where they can learn from the very best. Despite this emphasis, they aid children in all aspects of development. I have teamed up with a drama school in London to give you a run-down of what your child has to gain from attending a theatre school.

Advice From Professionals

Learning from the best means that children can receive the right guidance and support. This can really help them to improve their career prospects and avoid making any costly mistakes.

Greater Confidence

In a theatre school you can expect your child to participate in class performances where they put on acts with their peers. Having practice of performing in front of crowds can help children to build on their confidence and manage their nerves. This not only helps them to become a better performer but also aids them with their general development.


Improvisation is needed when on stage and is taught in theatre schools to help performers in case of the unexpected. This involves thinking on the spot and classes teach children how to do this which can help them to improve on their overall thinking skills. Other skills that this technique relies on are creativity and imagination.

Emotional Understanding

Those that perform also tend to be greater judges of people and emotions as they study and replicate behaviour. This can help children to develop compassion, their ability to express themselves and empathise with others.

Improved Memory

To play roles children must also memorise scripts so that they know their lines and when to say them. As well as being good practice for life in the industry, this can help them to improve on their memory and strengthen their hippocampus.


At a specialised theatre school, your child can also make friends with children that have similar interests to them and potentially make friendships that last a lifetime. These connections can serve them well as they try to break through in the industry as will their expert teachers.

Team Working

To put on performances, teamwork and coordination is needed which can also help children with developing their social skills as they will need to work with others. This is useful practice for the future as there will be various people to work alongside when performing like directors and many other working professionals

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