Decluttering in time for Christmas

#Collaborative post

With Christmas now just around the corner, if you are anything like us, you will now be looking at ways to be decluttering in time for Christmas. Our house is not very big and over the year, we seem to acquire a lot of junk or odd bits that we are just never going to use. At least once a year I try and have a little de-clutter to create the feeling of space but sometimes it is about making some money back on the bits we no longer use!

If you are planning to start decluttering in time for Christmas, here are my top tips on how to make the most of the space you have!

Be ruthless –

Even if you don’t use some of the items you are clearing out, you can find yourself becoming attached to them. I’m afraid at this point, you really need to be ruthless.

I tend to go by the rules if it has not been used in the last 6 months (excluding items for things such as Christmas/Halloween etc) then it is not likely to be used again or I can live without it. As you start your clear-out, take time to go through everything and work out what you genuinely need.

Decluttering in time for Christmas

Think about long-term storage solutions –

If you have items that you no longer need now but will do in the future, consider things such as self-storage as an alternative solution. This is ideal for us as we have hardly any loft space and we are gearing up for a move in future. So, we have some items now that are not really used as we don’t have the space to get them out in our current home. These items are not to be decluttered, but at the same time, we are looking at other solutions for them.

Using a self-storage unit such as Currie easy self storage is the perfect middle ground to make sure that we can keep these items safely stored but allow us the space in our home.

Decluttering in time for Christmas

Make money from it where you can –

There are a whole host of apps and websites you can use now to make money from these items. Where you can, consider selling the items you have and pocket yourself a little extra cash.

If you are unsure where to start, here are a few of the sites you could use:

  • Vinted
  • eBay
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Music Magpie
  • We Buy Books

It can be a bit of a faff getting everything organised and sent off, but I think we would all appreciate a little more cash at the minute and if it takes a little time to pocket some extra money from items you already have, why would you not?

Consider donating to charity –

If you are not a fan of selling on sites like the ones listed above, why not consider donating any of your suitable items to charities? With all charities feeling the pinch from the cost increases and donations decreasing, they will all be looking for ways to make extra money. For many of us, this is really easy to do as there are lots of charity shops around.

Make sure before you donate that you check the quality of the items and that they have all the bits they should. Nothing worse than donating a board game for example that is missing pieces!

Decluttering in time for Christmas

Although you may find decluttering time-consuming, trust me once you have completed it you will feel so much better. There is nothing better than getting the space back and cleaning your home out of items no longer needed.