Tips For Successful Remote Work As A Working Mum

#Collaborative post

Working mums have always had a difficult time. They often feel guilty because they are away from their children, yet they also want to work and make their own money. In fact, in many households, it’s absolutely necessary for all adults to work, and in single-parent families, there is no choice at all. 

Yet knowing there is no choice or wanting to work for your own sake doesn’t take away that niggling feeling of guilt. This is why remote work has become such a great thing for mums who can get the best of both worlds.

Of course, working from home when you have children is not as easy as it sounds, and you will still need to think carefully about how to do it successfully. Read on for some tips to help you get the best out of your situation. 

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Photo by Jep Gambardella

Have A Dedicated Workspace 

One of the best things you can do if you want to work from home and you have children is to set up a dedicated workspace. This might be a spare bedroom, a little used dining room, or perhaps the corner of a kitchen or lounge. You might even decide that having a separate room outside from is the best thing for you. 

When you have your own space, and you have rules about who can go in there and when, you’ll be able to focus much more on what you’re doing. You’ll also be able to shut the door, draw a curtain, or otherwise close the area off when you’re done, helping you to enjoy a good work-life balance. 

Define Boundaries 

One of the biggest challenges with remote working is keeping your work and home lives separate. This is why it’s so important to define boundaries and make some rules to help you keep things separate. Having your own room is one idea, but there are many others, such as having specific working hours (these might be set out by your employer or you can create them yourself), not accepting visitors during the day, and setting realistic expectations about how much you can get done. It’s also crucial to learn to say no so you can keep your family time intact. 

Use Technology 

Technology can be the best thing for working mums when they are remote workers. You can find a variety of tools and apps that will help you to be more focused and productive, for example. If you have dedicated working time and dedicated family time, you’ll need to get as much done as possible during your work time so it doesn’t encroach. Productivity apps can help you with this and ensure you stick to your allocated timings. 

Plus, technology can make it easier to stay in touch with your team, clients, managers, and even your family. By using what is available, you can make your life a lot more simple and streamlined, resulting in less stress and more productivity. This will benefit you, your business or employer, and your children.

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