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3 Best free games to play online

3 Best free games to play online

When you are busy, sometimes you want just a little downtime to forget about the day and the to-do list. It is no secret that I am a gamer, I have been for as long as I can remember However, lots of games either have a purchase cost upfront or a monthly subscription and with us all feeling the pinch a little, sometimes this is not something we are able to stretch to. 

Don’t worry though, there are some great free games out on the internet to play, with no costs and no ads interrupting the play as you get in your games on your phone.

Here are my top 3 to play!

Idle Mining Empire

Okay, I am going to give you a warning, this game is addictive.

I have played a version of this on my phone in the past and it has killed my battery, so the advantage firstly is that your PC will not die whilst playing this! The downside is, that you will find yourself coming back to check your mine whilst you should be doing other things (just like I did while writing this post).

The aim of the game is to make as much money as you can from your mine. Over time you can put in more mines, upgrade your mines and the workers, alongside putting managers in place for the mines and use boosts.

I don’t know what it is about this game that makes it addictive, but it is one of those games where you can lose yourself for a little while without having to think too hard.

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LEGO City Adventures Build And Protect

If you were ever a fan of Sim City, this is the game for you, just the Lego version of it. It is all about building yourself a thriving city, building structures, collecting taxes and protecting the citizens. 

It is a more cartoon version of Sim City but it lends itself well to a game that the kids will love.

In the first few parts of the game you are walked through what to build and where to place them, Once you get past that, you are able to create your own city with 6 zones to build, with 25 buildings per zone, you can build at your own pace and design. The only thing holding you back will be your coins to start each building. 

You can earn the cones from collecting the taxes or you may come across some coins in your digs when you start your projects.

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Cooking Mahjong

Mahjong is a game that has been around for as long as I can remember and this food version of it makes it a fun way of playing the game.

You complete through the levels by matching your food items to the dishes, for example, spaghetti and meatballs. I created that by selecting the tiles that contained the spaghetti, meatballs and sauce. It does take a little while to get your head working it out, but once you crack it, it works it out without really thinking about it. A great game to keep your mind on your toes without putting too much thought into it.

Although the kids would love this game, it may be a little complicated for younger children.

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This site has a huge array of games to pick from, with a range of topics that would suit the whole family. The best part of it all though, is it is free!